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Swaha Kinesiology

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Realise your power of self healing

Emotional : Energetic : Structural : Physiological : Neurological : Nutrition :  Addictions : Phobias : Behavioural & Learning Issues: Spiritual alignment : Guidance : Coaching Programme; Tarot Cards : Tuning Forks : Flower Essences : Crystals


Meet swaha

Meet Swaha

It was severe lower back pain with scoliosis that first introduced me to kinesiology more than 25 years ago, and blew me away with the results; but it wasn’t until kinesiology helped resolve my daughter’s sleep issues, that I finally committed to studying the Diploma of Kinesiology and becoming a Level 5 Advanced Kinesiology Practitioner.

For over 15 years I had lived around the world as an interior designer, Although successful, this path left me feeling highly stressed, uninspired and unfulfilled. After giving it all up, I decided on a complete life overhaul. After a few years living and retraining in India and Europe, I built and ran successful businesses in fashion and alternative healing (massage, thai massage, reiki, ayurveda etc), but it was only when I committed to studying kinesiology that I knew I was finally on the right path.


As a mother, a friend, a business woman, a designer, a healer, a gardener, a passionate world traveller and adventurer,.. I juggle many balls. At times in my life, I have experienced extreme fatigue and depletion, adrenal burnout, hormonal imbalance, structural pain, stress, emotional upheaval, isolation, lack of clarity about my path etc .. so I genuinely understand the support that kinesiology can offer these and so many more conditions.


Looking into the future, I know I will continue to be inspired by this incredible modality and the benefits it can offer the world.  


"I support and empower others to realise and activate their own power of self healing.

I encourage self responsibility while assisting clients to develop their self awareness, activate their potential, and create and achieve their goals."

About Kinesiology
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About Kinesiology

Do you suffer from ..……..?

  • Anxiety or Depression

  • Any form of Stress or Trauma

  • Pain or Fatigue

  • Confusion/ lack of direction in life

  • Adrenal or Thyroid imbalance 

  • Allergies

  • Food /Digestive Intolerances

  • Toxicity and inflammation

  • Immune system issues

  • Fertility / Menstrual issues 

  • Structural & Postural misalignment

  • Nutritional Imbalances

  • Insomnia

  • Learning or Behavioural issues

  • Addictions or Phobias

  • Any chronic condition/disease?.....

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Kinesiology can help to

  • Identify the root causes contributing to these conditions

  • Identify the best method of releasing stress held within the body 

  • Support the body back into balance

  • Restore your body's own self healing ability 

  • Restore your Body, Mind and Spirit back to Health, Harmony and Balance

Kinesiology is a safe, non invasive and holistic way of understanding the body. By using muscle monitoring, we can access the body's natural intelligence; ' the innate awareness'. Through this communication, kinesiology can support the body to heal from a diverse range of physical, physiological, emotional, psychological and energetic issues as illustrated above.

The unique aspect about kinesiology is that it is YOUR body's intelligence that is providing the information,

As we are all unique individuals, no kinesiology scenerio will ever be the same, even if clients present with exactly the same symptoms. Likewise, we will all have our own unique journey of healing back towards balance, health and well being. 

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Tools and services


  A wide range of tools may be accessed during a kinesiology session; to mention a few below:

  • Manuals and chartsreference a diverse range of topics; eg structure, nutrition, physiology, immunity, toxicity, holograms, cranial sacral therapy, neurophysiology, chakras, meridians, karma, guidance, sovereignty etc.

  • Vials ;are programmed energetically with information and healing qualities to support specific areas of the brain or for specific issues such as immune deficiency, hydration, DNA stress, hormonal balancing etc.

  • Tarot cards; may highlight particular issues that require attention or communicate guidance from spirit realms.

  • Flower essences ( Bush, Bach and Desert Alchemy Flower) , Essential Oils and Crystal Essences can be used to identify attitudes contributing to stress as well as help balance vibrational energy. 


  • Crystals, Tuning forks, Drums and Chimes ; are other beautiful ways of balancing vibrational interference caused by stress.

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Sessions can be held in person in my treatment space in Ocean Shores, NSW, Australia, or via distance (over the internet) to connect with clients all over the world.

Initial Session

1hour 30 mins : $200

In your initial session we will review the issues you wish to work with and your life in a holistic sense. We will discuss your expectations and objectives and I can answer any questions you may have about kinesiology before commencing the session.

Follow Up Session

1hour :  $150     

1hour 30 mins :$200 (to allow additional time to delve even deeper into issues)

We will continue your kinesiology journey by reviewing any experiences and note progress since your earlier appointments. We will discuss any new issues which may have arisen before commencing the session.

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( See also testimonials under coaching )

Before my coaching sessions with Swaha, I felt stuck, unsure of my life and generally down in the dumps most days. I knew what direction my life was MEANT to be heading but couldn’t seem to get there. My coaching experience with Swaha was nothing short of incredible, and transformative. Not only did Swaha help me reveal the internal blocks that have been holding me back from living the life I want and reaching my potential, she helped me eliminate them altogether. There was not a single session that I was not amazed at how accurate Swaha was and I could not believe how quickly I was making shifts within myself…in such a positive direction. I am now stronger, happier, more motivated and know that I can achieve all I want to and am meant to. Few therapists have the energy, accuracy, skill, strength and care that Swaha does. You have to meet Swaha to truly understand this, and the absolute ability she has to help you make the changes that you need to live your best life. She is one of a kind and I am very grateful.

Kristy Condren

"I have worked with Swaha both in many individual sessions and am now on my second round of her coaching program. I find her work so deep and profound, yet effortless with her help to get to the layers of myself that block me from what I am trying to manifest in life.

The blessing of Swaha is that she can gracefully hold any intention you have; nothing is too big for her. I have been working on creating generational wealth for my family line, after coming from nothing and having a hard time with money throughout life.

Since working with Swaha, my business is booming and I am well on the way to a completely different financial story. I am now a boss of 17 other people and launching million-dollar programs.

Having trained in kinesiology myself, it is really amazing to see someone who has mastered the modality. I suggest Swaha to all my friends and family and have seen them also find resolution with their problems and start to succeed more in their lives.

I feel very blessed to have come across her and will continue to work with her because the outcomes are just so profound."

Emma Johnston; founder The Reconnected

I’ve been working with Swaha regularly face to face and via Zoom now for years. Swaha has a beautiful way of getting to the core of my issues. We then work together to connect the dots and make sense of my issues. Swaha has this incredible ability of helping me understand and then finds ways forwards that I know I could not find on my own. I always feel things are clear and resolved after our sessions and more importantly, the sessions leave me with a sense of feeling empowered and that I can look to the future with a sense of understanding and purpose! My sessions with Swaha ground me and give me hope in these uncertain times. I now make looking after my mental and energy health a priority and I’m so grateful to have Swaha on my team!

Paula Shaw ; Soulful Guidance

Swaha’s gift for the practice of kinesiology is something I celebrate and highly recommend you to experience.  My sessions with her have been genuine, deep, touching, empowering, releasing, and, more than anything, healing.  Her confident and intuitive skill allows the receiver to deeply receive, supported by a vast array of tools to support the healing journey. I look forward to stepping into a fuller sense of myself in my future sessions with her.

Erin Young ; coach and Sociocracy consultant

Through kinesiology, Swaha immediately identified my various body challenges that seem to confuse alopathic doctors to no end. I was amazed at how many modalities were included in the treatment from cranial release, homeopathics, NLP and more. I felt like I received the care and expertise that I would normally have to consult with several people for. I highly recommend Swaha to receive awesome care, a great practitioner and a down to earth woman.

Charlotte Daly

“I have received many amazing and transformative kinesiology sessions from Swaha. Many have been in person, but many have also been online sessions. I have to say I’m incredibly grateful that she offers online sessions, as I often wasn’t able to attend in person. As a fellow kinesiologist, I can safely say that Swaha is incredibly skilled in her craft, and held a very safe space for me as she supported me to work through my blocks to healing past trauma. My life is enriched because of it!”

Jane Silva; Innate Wisdom Kinesiology

kinesiology coaching

The 'Thriving Life' Journey; Kinesiology with Coaching

6 x Session Programme (over 9-10 weeks)

2 hours each session : $ on application, prepaid

This is a journey for those committed to making real change in their lives.

  • Do you have dreams & goals that just never seem to manifest?

  • Are you feeling unfulfilled, uninspired or wondering what is missing in your life?

  • Do you want to get more in touch with your inner core values?

  • Do you wonder how life COULD be?

  • Are you really ready to evolve and expand into your highest potential?

If so,..... this journey could be for you.*

Incredible coaching tools used with kinesiology to access your body's innate intelligence and wisdom, are a powerful combination. We will review the level of satisfaction in all areas of your life, as well as the outcomes and goals you desire. These will form the framework of the coaching programme, although with kinesiology, we never quite know where the journey leads!


Personally I have found this Coaching programme an incredible gift and have manifested a much happier, more abundant and fulfilling life (including a new home of my dreams! ) through completing the journey 3 times over the last few years; hence I can personally vouch for the potential that it holds!

*Note; coaching is at Swaha's discretion; clients are to attend a minimum of 3 regular kinesiology sessions prior to coaching to be sure they are ready.

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Coaching Testimonials

I want to THANK YOU so much for coaching. I absolutely love and value your strength of character, honour, integrity, intelligence, intuition, and ability to see through the crap that I had clouded myself with. You are next level! It can be confronting to look at life so deeply and throughout the coaching journey I felt totally safe, supported and inspired to shift my life into the a whole new reality. I am forever grateful to have shared this journey with you and to have received some of the most life changing balances ever! You really do have what it takes to help people live their best life!

 I highly recommend Swaha for anyone looking to catapult their life to their next level of deliciousness.

Holly Jones

During my coaching sessions, we worked on some challenging and long standing issues for me issues that can sometimes feel uncomfortable for me to be open about. I also experienced some intense and significant shifts within and between sessions. Working with Swaha, I felt completely supported throughout this whole process. It was easy, comfortable and safe for me to open up and discuss my challenges. The balances were powerful and effective and overall I experienced some significant positive change in many aspects of my life. \

I am looking forward to continuing to work with Swaha.

Kristen Luby, 

Reaching Out to the Sun
Specialist Services

Specialist Services

My work involves a wide range of conditions and issues, the areas below are a few examples where kinesiology can offer support in a gentle and yet significant way.

Pregnancy Support

Kinesiology can offer incredible support for women (and their partners) during pregnancy and the post - natal period. I have witnessed it to be incredibly empowering for women on this journey to actively seek holistic support during this time. 


Kinesiology can not only support the body's vital physiology and assist with maximising nutritional support; it can also identify and safely release trauma and fears which may impact on the birth experience; eg fears re physical issues such as pain, tearing and recovery as well as emotional issues such as adjusting to the idea of motherhood, the need to accept/ask for support, releasing own birthing trauma, or the trauma from a previous birth etc.


Assistance during the critical post birth period when a mother may feel vulnerable, isolated and overwhelmed, is also possible, as well as working with practical issues such as milk production, breast feeding, food intolerances, sleep cycles etc. It has been a genuine pleasure to offer support to women during their pregnancy and the post birth transition in this way.

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Pregnancy Support
supporting the supporters
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Working with Children 

As all parents know, raising a child is not easy! Kinesiology can help make the journey a little smoother by offering support to all ages and stages of development (from newborn through to adulthood). It can be used to assist a wide range of issues from potty training to separation anxiety, teething, tantrums, food intolerances, sleep issues and night terrors, learning and behavioural issues such as ADD, ADHD, OCD, moodiness, isolation etc.


Stress generated by big transitions such as the arrival of a new sibling or adjusting to preschool and primary school, or social dynamics such as bullying or exclusion can also be supported.

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Supporting the Supporters 

I am blessed to work with a large number of incredibly talented people who are leaders in their respective fields. These 'change makers' intend to make a positive difference in the world. Behind every business, product, idea, workshop, book or article that is generating change, there is an individual who's health and well being must be maintained for their vision and work to be sustainable. Through kinesiology I am inspired to support these individuals to maintain optimal balance, knowing that this will ripple out into the world with the work that they do, affecting and benefiting many more people out there.


We all have our gifts and our visions and we all need support at times,


Working together we can co create a better, brighter world.

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Contact Me

NOTE Swaha will be overseas from October 15 until November 13 2023 for her own personal and professional development and unavailable for sessions during this time. She will not have access to phone or internet during most this time. Texts will not be received but emails will be received and responded to once back in Australia. 

Ph: 0484 270214,


11 Weeronga Way, Ocean Shores

NSW 2483


I look forward to answering any questions that you may have. 

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